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A transdisciplinizing posthumanities networks across many knowledge worlds. These do not all share the same practices of citation or the same sets of core and cutting-edge literatures. Indeed some ranges of these knowledge worlds are not located in academies. These citations are wormholes into worlds.
Photo Credits:
Picture of Gregory Bateson: Barry Schwartz Photography: http://www.barryschwartzphotography.com/gallery.html?gallery=Portraits
Orienteering Family: http://friendsoflangleypark.webs.com/orienteeringtrail.htm
Baila Goldenthal, Cat's Cradle/String Theory: http://bailagoldenthal.com/painting/cats_cradle/cats_cradle.html
Amethyst Geode: http://www.forthejoyofit.com/Joy6_Spiritual/Joy6_Amethyst_Grading.htm
Picture of Donna Haraway in storytelling mode with HistCon advisees June 2011 courtesy of Elena Creef and Yvonne Keller
Odor kit: http://www.perfumeprojects.com/store/1017.shtml
For cat's cradle "nots," picture of Microbial evolution from Visual Complexity: http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/project_details.cfm?id=299&index=30&domain=Biology
Artichoke candle photo by Katie King
Starlight Runner Entertainment video: http://starlightrunner.com/